Sunday, August 2, 2009


A summer Sunday morning called for a yummy stack of warm pancakes spread with butter and smothered in honey. When I make pancakes I usually just throw ingredients together and they are different every time some are whole wheat, some gluten-free, some multi grain. Today I made a new recipe using the leftover wet almond meal from almond milk. It turned out surprisingly good so I decided the recipe was a keeper. It is gluten-free, sugar-free and dairy-free... except we spread them with Irish butter :)

1 C rice flour
1 C wet almond meal
1 C millet flour
2 TBS honey
1/2 tsp xanthan gum
4 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp sea salt
2 eggs
2 C water
3 TBS coconut oil

Whisk all ingredients in a large bowl - add extra water if needed to thin the batter. Cook on a griddle (I set mine at about 250ish) until golden brown on both sides - serve immediately with butter and honey or maple syrup and fruit.


  1. Thanks for the post. What else can we use instead of xanthan gum? I don't seem to be able to find them.

  2. Xanthan gum in gluten-free food simply acts as the gluten found in wheat flour - like a binder. You can leave it out and baked goods will be more crumbly and denser but will bake fine. A replacement would be guar gum, agar agar or carrageenan but these are also hard to find. Most health food stores sell xantham gum - I buy the Bob's Red Mill brand you don't use much so the bag lasts forever!
    Good luck :)

  3. LOVE this recipe! Making it this week!!!

  4. Thanks Kelly - WOW I can't believe you are going to make one of my recipes... I'm honored ;)
