Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Keeping it basic

Look what I grew in my garden! I'm so proud... but really all I did was put the little plant in and God did the rest.

A friend and I were talking about our post challenge eating and how it is easy to get into bad habits of not eating enough of phase one. Fruits and vegetables really are the most important part of anyone's diet. It's easy to fall into the habit of grabbing a slice of bread as a snack instead of a piece of fruit or a handful of carrot sticks.
This week I am working on getting back to the basics and eating my fruits and veggies. Right now as I am typing this I am also enjoying a yummy green leaf lettuce salad with sauteed zucchini and walnuts. I am going to cut up veggies and fruit for the week too and store them in containers in the fridge then I can just pull some out as a snack or mix a few for a fast salad. Another easy way I get enough fruits and vegetables every single day is by taking Juice Plus +. Juice Plus + is 17 different fruits and vegetables in a capsule. I take the fruits in the morning with breakfast and the vegetables at night with dinner. I have seen so many amazing health benefits since taking Juice Plus + for 6 years that I am now a distributor - If you would like more info on it or if you would like to order it here is the website:

Have a healthy happy day!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Tammy...what a beautiful bell looks huge in the picture! I like your suggestions...there are so many yummy fruits & vegetables available right now, it would be a shame not to make them the main part of our daily diet. And I can't say enough good things about Juice is the one thing we will take the rest of our lives. I love your blog! And I love you, Mom
