Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Lettuce Wraps

lettuce wraps served with melon and ice tea

Lettuce wraps are super easy... yummy... healthy... and quick! Everyone is always giving Iceberg lettuce the "cold shoulder" In a salad bar people reach right over it and go for those dark leafy greens - however Iceberg lettuce is not to be shunned. Iceberg lettuce is an excellent source of potassium and manganese and a very good source of iron, calcium, magnesium and phosphorous. It also contains traces of sodium, copper, zinc. Iceberg lettuce is an excellent source of vitamin A, vitamin K and vitamin C. It is also a good source of thiamin, vitamin B6, folate (vitamin B). Lettuce wraps just are not lettuce wraps without cold crisp Iceberg lettuce. So go ahead and reach for some Iceberg next time you are in the produce aisle!
Lettuce Wraps:
2 chicken breasts chopped into small pieces
1 can water chestnuts chopped small
3-4 green onions sliced
1 TBS fresh mint - minced
large piece of fresh ginger grated (about 1 1/2 TBS)
Saute in a tablespoon or so coconut oil and all ingredients in a wok or large pan - as it is cooking add a pinch of sea salt, a few TBS of soy sauce, some black pepper, garlic, chili sauce, and any other spice you like... sesame oil would be good too. Cook until chicken is done and any liquid has cooked off. Remove from heat add a few TBS hoisin sauce stir and serve with cold Iceberg lettuce and sauce. My sauce: soy sauce, rice vinegar, honey and pepper


  1. ooooo can't wait to try this!! Thanks!!!!

  2. For those who don't eat meat, cut tofu into small dices & replace the chicken with tofu. I've had tofu lettuce wraps many times at P.F. Changs & they are delicious!!
