Friday, September 11, 2009

Personal review and testimony

A fellow "40 day challenger" and friend along with her husband just finished the 40 days! Great job guys :) She wrote an amazing personal review and testimony that is posted on their bog. Check it out you will be inspired: She also posted the actual cleanse program... good idea - I don't know why I've never done that - I will post it today too ;) So if anyone out there has been thinking about embarking on the 40 Day Health Challenge then here is another great reason to just start. I love hearing personal stories from people who live healthy natural lifestyles so over the next couple weeks I will be posting more testimonies of friends who have done the challenge. Remember to let us know if you start the challenge so we can cheer you on!!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks girl! Glad you liked the review ;). Looking forward to more yummy recipes! ttys and have a great weekend!
