Thursday, June 18, 2009

Costco Lettuce

I am SO over this Costco lettuce! I bought this lettuce on Monday and two days later part of it was already rotten. This isn't the first time I have had their lettuce go bad so fast either. I keep buying their lettuce again but this time I'm done... no more Spring Mix from Costco! I have bought the same type of lettuce from Washington Produce and it lasts a week or more. We eat up all our produce in a couple days so if something goes bad you know it was old when we bought it! I don't have as much time to garden this year but usually we grow some of our own lettuce so you know that it's fresh. This year we are growing tomatoes, zucchini, yellow squash, bell peppers, artichokes, blackberries, raspberries and nectarines. It is great to have homegrown produce. If you are not big on yellow squash try it drizzled with coconut oil and roasted under the broiler until golden brown and sprinkled with sea salt - yum!


  1. I buy the Costco organic spring mix all the time & have had only one go bad. Here is the secret...reach way in back & pull a container out of a box in back...that's where the newest ones are. The one I bought the same day as you did is still fresh & nice (and almost gone, but I have a new one). So give Costco another really is delicious lettuce.

  2. Actually, the previous comment is from your mom, Wendy, not Bob!!!
