Sunday, June 21, 2009

Day 22

chipotle chicken and rice

stuffed yellow squash

First of all Happy Father's Day to my wonderful husband Jason and all the other dads out there. We had a yummy lunch today at my sister's - grilled bison, fish and veggies, potato salad (made with olive oil), green salad, brown rice and fruit salad. We enjoyed a wonderful lunch outside listening to the children play as a cool breeze floated in the air. We didn't want a big dinner tonight so I steamed yellow squash and stuffed it with sauteed onion, garlic, celery, purple cabbage, walnuts and oatmeal. The oatmeal was "recycled" - the baby had a little rash tonight so I made him a moisturizing oatmeal bath. Well I soaked the oats in very hot water for a few minutes and then strained the "milk" into his bath. I was left with soft oatmeal but not really cooked. So I decided to toss it into dinner and it turned out great. Oh and I drizzled the squash with olive oil and soy sauce. I am going to try different combos as we will have yellow squash all summer long. Last week we also made chipotle chicken and rice a Martha Stewart recipe... it had a lot of kick from the chilies but it was worth the heat!

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