Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Day 25

Today is the first day of PHASE THREE!! That means we added dried fruit, low sugar dark chocolate (in moderation), plain yogurt and kefir. I made oat/rice pancakes topped with those yummy local strawberries and nut "cream". You make the nut "cream" by blending almonds with the skin removed, water, and dates. It blends into a thick white sorta stuff that actually tastes really good on strawberries. By the way it tastes nothing like cream but you can use it as you would whipcream. The first few bites I really wasn't sure if I liked it but I'm actually pretty hooked on it. I liked it on the berries better than yogurt. Of course I had a couple squares of dark chocolate too :) Our salad for lunch was good with a combo of green leaf lettuce, purple cabbage, avocado and cashews. I also did pilates today too - nice to get back to that... it's been awhile.

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