Sunday, June 28, 2009

Day 29

Last nights dinner - a modest piece of Albacore, sauteed asparagus with Braggs, and a salad topped with a creamy dressing made out of white beans. I got the recipe off of a blog: it turned out yummy. I wouldn't say it tasted like regular ranch dressing at all but it was a good dressing and a nice change from oil and vinegar.

This is a fun melon we got - orange flesh - it looks like a honeydew on the outside and a cantaloupe on the inside but it tastes more like honeydew. It was super sweet - I will definitely buy this type of melon again.

Jason's favorite salad right now is very simple:
Purple cabbage, green onion, olive oil, white balsamic vinegar, lots of cashews and seasoned with either sea salt & pepper, herbamare or Braggs - he asks for this salad almost everyday!

We have decided cashews are our favorite nut! They are just so good, creamy, crunchy, nutty, delicious. Cashews are a super nutritious food they are high in magnesium and antioxidants. Did you know unlike many other nuts the cashew actually grows on the bottom of a cashew fruit called a maraƱon. It clings to the bottom of the cashew apple. The fruit is also edible but it is extremely perishable so we probably will not see it here in the US. I wonder what it tastes like.


  1. You know Tinks, I think you should do a cookbook! Your presentation always looks great, even when it's "yucky" food. J's been wanting us to write a book about our 40 day (now life) experience and what it's done for his bloodsugar, maybe we could combine it somehow. Anyway, well done Tinky!
