Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Day 31

Mini date cake

Well we now have less than 10 days left for our challenge! Jason and I both feel great eating extra healthy. We have lots of energy and never have that "stuffed" or "sick" feeling after eating. We have now added back whole grain bread. I had a slice yesterday with almond butter. It was good but I don't plan on eating bread every day or anything. The idea of this challenge is to eat the majority of your food from phase one: fresh fruit, fresh and cooked veggies, raw nuts, beans, lentils and eggs. Then smaller amounts of phase two: brown rice, wild caught fish, oatmeal, rice milk, free range organic chicken, free range bison. And finally a little here and there from phase three: yogurt, kefir (raw), whole grain bread, honey, maple syrup, butter (grassfed). So we plan on keeping the main thing the main thing and that is FRUITS & VEGGIES!
The baby is also doing our 40 day health challenge - except he has been drinking fresh breast milk from day 1 :) He really likes food and eats anything I give him. He loves our banana almond butter smoothies... when the blender is on he gets really excited because he knows a smoothie is coming! I try to make his food interesting and yummy and of course healthy. He loves yellow squash and basil, rice cereal with coconut milk, applesauce with blueberries or cinnamon, papaya, oatmeal with rice milk... pretty much anything. He does his scooting exercises everyday, treads water in the pool, prays before meals and has slimmed down in the waist and gained 1lb of pure muscle in the past 31 days. He is doing a wonderful job on the 40 day challenge! I'm posting the recipe for the little (it's actually really big to a baby) date cake I made him - it's yummy but keep in mind we have been eating really healthy for a while now so healthy food tastes really good. I made the cake in a little 6" pan.
12 dates soaked in 1/3 C boiling water
1/3 C applesauce
1 egg
1tsp vanilla
put these ingredients in blender and blend until smooth
1 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp baking soda
1/3 C rice flour
1/3 C buckwheat flour
1/3 C unsweetened coconut
mix together and then mix in the wet ingredients, pour into pan and bake at 350 degrees for about 25 min or so - cool a little then remove from pan and cool. Tear up tiny pieces and serve. Or just slice and eat if you are not a baby anymore. I put the leftovers in the fridge because the weather is so warm it will spoil fast.

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