Thursday, June 25, 2009

Day 26

Caprese salad with cashews

Eggplant and asparagus with olive oil and soysauce

Today we started out the day with a warm bowl of oatmeal topped with strawberries and raisins. This is the first time we have had raisins in our oatmeal since we started. Because dried fruit was only added in this last phase we have been putting fresh fruit on our oatmeal instead - and you know what I think I like it better. It is interesting how your taste can change in a short number of days. Today was warm and sunny leaving a warm evening. The baby took an exceptionally late afternoon nap so we were able to venture out to the Redlands farmer's market. We walked among the stands of fresh produce as the farmers called out their produce. I ended up bringing home a bagful of produce - asparagus - eggplant - cherries - watermelon - yellow tomatoes. We also stopped by an amazing booth... Palmer Chiropractic... where we visited with a very handsome chiropractor. We took our produce home put the baby in bed and I made myself a fresh veggie dinner. Since Jason wasn't dining with me I made a plate piled with sauteed asparagus and eggplant (not his two favorites) and on the side I had a caprese salad substituting cashews for the mozzarella. It was great the cashews added a richness and crunch to the sweet flesh of the tomato. For dessert a fresh slice of watermelon and a handful of cherries.

1 comment:

  1. Looks & sounds wonderful & delicious! How fun you fixed yourself such a nice little dinner! I loved the farmer's is so much bigger this year & such an amazing array of produce. I agree...fresh fruit on oatmeal is yummy...I haven't even tried raisins yet, but I put dates in the rice flour muffins I made & they were very good! Have a wonderfully healthy day...I love you! MOM
