Friday, June 26, 2009


Nothing spells summer like a big cold slice of sweet red watermelon. Well I brought home a winner... at the farmer's market last night I bought a watermelon from a small farm booth. It was $6.00 so not cheap but I keep buying watermelon from the market and it just tastes blah. So I figured if I had to spend a little more and get a melon that was good it was worth it. I had the farmer pick a "good" one for me and I also found the bee sting marks on the skin. Supposedly if you find these brownish marks left by bees the melon is sweet - well in this case it was true. I opened the melon to to find nice firm red flesh with a wonderful watermelon taste and a yummy sweetness... just writing about it makes me want to go have another slice!

1 comment:

  1. hey Cuz,
    Could you possibly email me your 40 day challenge?
